Jikuu Mahou chapter 308 + corrections

Hey, guys! How’s everyone doin’? This chapter is probably going to cause a headache to most if not all of the readers, but I think we’ve all expected this already.

Before anything else, please do note that I made some minor correction in chapter 299. Since お方 can either mean this lady or gentleman, I assumed it was a he, but as I went on and read ahead, I found out that it was a she, so the [that gentleman] there was replaced with [that lady].

Aside from that, there was another one in the last chapter, chapter 307, where I translated speed of sound as speed of light(gawd, it was a terrible mistake!). I changed it right after someone noticed it, so this is for those who have seen it before it’d been changed.

That’s all and without further ado, here’s chapter 308. Have fun reading!

P.S. Please point out in the comments section if you found any mistakes, I would appreciate it!

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